Exchanges & Returns

As Googlab Science Inc. We value the satisfaction of our customers and will make every effort to ensure that the products we offer are of the highest quality. If necessary, we are ready to take action related to the change or return of products, we would like our customers to be aware of the rules in this regard.

If the purchased products do not meet the customer’s expectations or need to be exchanged, it is possible to return them or exchange them for another product. However, the exchange or return of the product is possible only in exceptional cases, after prior confirmation of the possibility by our Complaints Department.

In such situations, it will be possible to exchange or return the purchased goods only if the product is in the originally closed, intact packaging, containing the complete product, without signs of use. In addition, the product must be shipped in a secure shipping container. We reserve that we are not responsible for damage to goods caused by improper packaging and labeling of the shipment.

In the event of a justified complaint – the damaged goods will be repaired or replaced with another (of full value), and if this is not possible (e.g. due to the depletion of stock) – we will refund the equivalent of the product price. Information on how to handle the complaint will be provided to you within 14 days from the moment the package arrives at our store. All information about the implementation of the complaint is provided to the customer on an ongoing basis.