Universal pipette tips with Low Retention filter



Features and Functionality:

  • Tips compatible with pipettes from HTL, Omnitip, Axygen, Acumax, Eppendorf, Gilson, Biohit, Biotix, Biologix, Thermo, Labsystems, CAPP, Socorex, Finnpipette.
  • Low-Adhesion Tips – Low-Retention, Low-Retention with a hydrophobic surface.
  • UHMWPE filter.
  • With Graduation.
  • Endotoxin level safe, in accordance with USP/FDA standards.
  • Available capacities: 10ul, 20ul, 50ul, 100ul, 200ul, 1000ul.
  • Package size: 10x96pcs/960pcs
  • High clarity and compatibility.
  • Perfect multichannel pipette performance.
  • High tightness on the pipette.
  • Boxes without tips are autoclavable.

Safety and Hygiene:

  • Resistance to organic solvents.
  • High protection against cross-contamination.
  • Full production automation and Clean Room conditions.
  • The tips in the boxes are sterilized.
  • E-Beam sterilization.

Certifications and Compliance:

  • Certified DNase-, RNase-, and Pyrogen free.
  • In Vitro diagnostic medical device compliant with Regulation 2017/746 (hereinafter: IVDR).

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PictureSKUCapacityMaterialLengthFilter typeFilter typePacking typeQuantitySterilePriceQuantityAvailabilityCart
SKU: 311012Capacity: 10μlMaterial: PPLength: 31.70mmFilter type: UHMWPEFilter type: Packing type: box (96pcs)Quantity: 10 x 96 pcs.Sterile: YesPrice: $74.90
Availability: In Stock
SKU: 314016Capacity: 10μl EXTRA LONGMaterial: PPLength: 44.80mmFilter type: UHMWPEFilter type: Packing type: box (96pcs)Quantity: 10 x 96 pcs.Sterile: YesPrice: $82.40
Availability: In Stock
SKU: 310012Capacity: 20μlMaterial: PPLength: 56mmFilter type: UHMWPEFilter type: Packing type: box (96pcs)Quantity: 10 x 96 pcs.Sterile: YesPrice: $74.90
Availability: In Stock
SKU: 316012Capacity: 100μlMaterial: PPLength: 50.50mmFilter type: UHMWPEFilter type: Packing type: box (96pcs)Quantity: 10 x 96 pcs.Sterile: YesPrice: $74.90
Availability: In Stock
SKU: 312012Capacity: 200μlMaterial: PPLength: 55.60mmFilter type: UHMWPEFilter type: Packing type: box (96pcs)Quantity: 10 x 96 pcs.Sterile: YesPrice: $74.90
Availability: In Stock
SKU: 313016Capacity: 1000μlMaterial: PPLength: 89mmFilter type: UHMWPEFilter type: Packing type: box (96pcs)Quantity: 10 x 96 pcs.Sterile: YesPrice: $74.90
Availability: In Stock
SKU: 313012Capacity: 1000μl EXTRA LONGMaterial: PPLength: 102mmFilter type: UHMWPEFilter type: Packing type: box (96pcs)Quantity: 10 x 96 pcs.Sterile: YesPrice: $82.40
Availability: In Stock

Low Retention Tips for NEST Scientific Biotechnology Pipettes

NEST Scientific Biotechnology’s all-in-one Low Retention Pipette Tips are made from pure polypropylene, along with a polyethylene filter, to help ensure accurate and safe pipetting. Blocking aerosols can drastically reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Unlike standard tips, they have a larger gap between the sample and the filter, which prevents the sample from coming into contact with the filter, regardless of the pipetting method or fluid used.

NEST Scientific Biotechnology pipette tip filters provide a barrier against cross-contamination and sample damage, ensuring accurate and precise sample collection. Pipette tips protect the user from liquid or vapor from the sample from entering the pipette body.

Universal filter tips from NEST Scientific Biotechnology

Low retention pipette tips with filter are highly flexible as they can be used with a variety of single and multichannel laboratory pipettes. These products are made from top-notch materials and are almost completely sealed, offering precision and quality that is second to none. Scientists and lab technicians can be confident that these tips will provide them with reliable and accurate dispensing.

NEST Scientific Biotechnology’s Universal Filter Tips for pipettes are constructed of certified ultra-pure polypropylene and include a filter that is positioned in such a way that even with the maximum amount of liquid in the tip, it does not reach the filter. This makes pipetting risk-free. In addition, our tips provide accurate and precise measurements!